The Incident Commander, at the authority of the President advised by Policy Group members, has overall responsibility for the incident and sets objectives. He is supported by Command Staff members whose functions include interagency liaison, incident safety, public information, and other functions as needed. Operations, Planning and Continuity, Physical and Employee Logistics, and Finance and Administration sections are responsible for the functional aspects of the Incident Command Structure.
Operations section members are responsible to carry out response objectives during an incident. This frequently includes damage mitigation, assessment, repair, and cleanup of campus buildings, grounds, and equipment. Maintaining systems to provide alternate sources of electricity and water on campus is vital. Security services are utilized in weather or crime-related incidents.
Planning and Continuity section members consider possible disruptions to normal operations and prepare flexible alternatives. All academic, activity, work areas, special events, and groups who will be on campus properties are represented. Preparations are regularly reviewed and ready for activation if shelters, evacuations, or reunifications are necessary.
Physical Logistics section members provide the physical resources needed to support Operations and meet needs established by Planning and Continuity. These resources include food and water, alternate facilities, transportation, and supplies that may be in high demand requiring special effort to obtain.
Employee Logistics section members provide additional laborers for Operations response or personnel needed to accomplish implemented plans, either by temporary reassignment or alternate use of employees whose work areas are not operating normally. They also assure that critical workers are identified, accessible for duty, and tracked as needed for payroll purposes. Reassignment of campus-provided housing is managed for employees displaced by the incident.
Finance and Administration section members assure financial support to meet incident objectives, track costs for insurance claims, and authorize urgent purchases that may require bypassing normal budgetary processes. Establishment of on-campus or outsourced call centers may be necessary if normal operations do not resume promptly.
Call Security from Campus Phones
For emergencies: Ext. 555
For routine matters: Ext. 4357 (HELP)
Call Security from Cell Phone
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